Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How To Live With A Breeder

I (Flannel), recently found myself in need of a roommate. Of course, I used our foolproof questionnaire, and quickly received a response from someone who was not a murder, a rapist, or a Jehovah’s Witness. However, she was a...


Having never interacted with a breeder, I was unsure of how to proceed. I found myself navigating the murky waters of breederdom alone and confused with no one to turn to. So, we would now like to present to you our quick reference guide for living with a heterosexual. 

Upon first meeting a heterosexual, you might notice a significant lack of fabulous, and be tempted to douce them with glitter. However we have found, based on extensive experimentation, this proves ineffective. We recommend simply shaking their hand. 

A handshake is usually accompanied by a verbal greeting. Now, gay men may be tempted to say, “What’s up, Bitch?” while lesbians might prefer to say, “This might seem really fast, but I think I’m in love with you.” Typically, a heterosexual prefers a simple greeting, ranging from “Hello” to the more daunting, “Hello, how are you?” Now, if you choose the latter, you should be prepared for an all out tactical conversation about the mundane life of a hetero. 

After spending a significant amount of time with a heterosexual (at least 20 minutes), your first instinct will of course be to get to second base (for gay men) or get engaged (for lesbians). However, we have found that straight people don’t typically enjoy sexual advances from the same gender. Trust us, you can pump them full of mojitos all night, but you’ll never get them on their knees. Instead, try having more conversation (we know, they’re worse than the cast of The View on speed). 

Once you move in together, you will find that heterosexuals have a number of idiosyncrasies. For instance, they are vehemently opposed to the idea of naked thursdays. They are also opposed to naked fridays, saturdays, sundays, mondays, and…. Well, you get the idea. Basically, they are opposed to you, themselves, and everyone around you being naked at any given time. Even on St. Patricks Day! Those crazy bastards. 

In addition to their weird aversion to nudity, heterosexuals don’t enjoy weekly orgies. They especially don’t enjoy walking in on weekly orgies. They also don’t enjoy it when you use their grandmother’s quilt for a threesome and picnic at the park. 

Heterosexuals also dislike:
-Impromptu fashion shows in their living room at 2:00am.
-Having all meat/dairy products thrown out and replaced with tofu.
-Having their hair cut or clothes bedazzled while they are sleeping.
-Being eye raped.
-Cats or tiny dogs in pink outfits.
-Techno or folk music blaring 24/7.
-Sharing vibrators, underwear, toothbrushes, or beds. 

We really don’t know if there is anything they do like, but we’re pretty sure that if it’s boring, it’s safe to assume they like it. 

Now don’t worry, seeing as how heterosexuals have a tendency to breed like rabbits, there will be plenty more posts in the future about living with a…

P.S. If you do encounter any more problems before our next post, remember: There's no problem that lube can't solve.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cover Letter: Formulated for Success

To whom it may concern:
We would like to apply for the job of “Professional Exterminator” as advertised on monster.com. We realize that you may think it a bit odd for us to apply as a team, but let us assure you, we will prove to be an invaluable and lethal part of your organization. Combined we have over 30 years of “exterminating” experience. As requested in your ad, we are familiar with all the tools of the trade, including but not limited to: laying traps, poisonous gas, anthrax, glitter, radiation (from a tactical nuke), shrapnel grenades, knives, and Kanye West CD’s. We have worked together for so long that our minds are completely in sync, much like the way women’s menstrual cycles become in sync after spending extended periods of time together. 

During our top secret special ops training in lgbtqqia-wtf-do-all-these-letters-mean-istan, we were part of an elite task force called the flannel fairies. Our top secret mission was to infiltrate western civilization, and bring town the sanctity of marriage and wholesome family values, but when we got here, we were distracted by shiny things, and are now trying to make money blogging like all those poor losers living in their parent’s basements. Or are we? Perhaps we’re just so undercover that we appear to be ineffectual. And if that’s the case, just think how invaluable we would be to your organization. Or else… Haha, just kidding! Maybe. 

Love Always, 
Flannel and Glitter

P.S. This message will self destruct, taking you and your whole family along with it if we are not selected for the position. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Become Popular

Popularity is everything. At least, that's what we learned in high school. And as we all know, high school is exactly like the real world. So if you don't want to get picked last for gym class, sit down, shut up, and hang on our every word.

Your parents always told you that to make friends with someone, you had to get on their good side. And what better way to do so then to give them money? People enjoy getting lots of money for little or no work, so pretending to like you is the perfect full-time occupation.

Popularity is like a feudal system. A handful of people are on the top, while everyone else is at the bottom. So logically, the best way to reach the top is to be born into it. Unfortunately, we don’t have the technology to make that happen, so murder is the next best option. Of course, you shouldn’t go around murdering people willy-nilly. You need to carefully plan and strategize your attacks, eliminating the most popular people first, then working your way down until you emerge victorious.

Putting out
Kelis had it right. When you’re looking for something to bring all the boys to your yard, nothing works quite like a milkshake. And of course, by milkshake, we mean exposing your genitalia. And for all you college drop outs - that means putting out. Putting out is a lot of fun, and it has a lot of benefits:
It waters the lawn
It provides a good excuse to soak up lots of vitamin D
You can work on your tan
It’s good exercise
And most importantly, you will be the talk of the neighborhood
Remember kids: promiscuity = friendship

P.S. And when you do, can we watch?
P.P.S. But only if you’re hot.

Now, we know you’ve invested a lot of money in those high-tech night vision goggles that you use for nocturnal bird watching, so why not get the most bang for your buck and use them to spy on your potential friends? To make friends properly, we recommend that you also purchase a quality DSLR with a telephoto lens. This will ensure that have hard evidence of your future friends masturbating to jaws while you sit in the tree outside their window.

Be Rich (steal)
Being born wealthy is an obvious way to become popular amongst all those empty headed douchebags. But for those of us with deadbeat parents who couldn’t be bother to get off their lazy butts and build a financial empire that brings third world nations to their knees, you’ll just have to steal your way to the top. Now, we recommend you start off small. Try stealing a slurpie from 7-11, then move up to a daylight robbery of Fort Knox in a chariot puled by a flock of peacocks.

Kill Tom Cruise
Now it’s time for Tom Cruse to put his money where his mouth is, and prove that his Scientology crap is gonna save him. Cause you’re a loose cannon on the edge who doesn’t take nothing from no one and doesn’t play by the rules. Just make sure you do it in a way flashy enough to make the 6:00 news. We recommend giving him an impossible mission; namely, finding his own sanity. Don’t worry about him returning - the killer chinchillas that live in the remote cave in the Andes mountains where his search will undoubtably lead him will ensure that he meets a *drop octave* gruesome fate.

Start a Cult
According to Glitter, everyone loves meat. So clearly, you should start a bacon cult! We think this idea speaks for itself.

Get Plastic Surgery
For you ladies out there, we have just one phrase for you:
Round like a football.

Okay, that was Glitter, and he obviously doesn’t know breasts from 22oz anti-vibe framing hammers. What he was trying to say was:
Stacked like pancakes.
With Syrup…
And whipped cream…
And cherries…

Okay honey, it’s time to take a cold shower (this is glitter again, btw). I guess what we’re trying to say is: the way you look now is just not acceptable, and if you want people to like you, you have to be hot. No exceptions.

Monday, April 4, 2011

How To Plan The Perfect Date

Good date: Romantic candlelight dinner

Bad date: Free lunch at the nursing home

Good Date: Amusement park

Bad date: Cleaning the tiger cage at the zoo

 Good date: Broadway show

Bad date: Operating theatre

 Good date: Circus

Bad date: Being sold to the circus.

Good date: Stargazing

Bad date: Escaping an exploding star 

Good date: Picnic on the beach

Bad date: Fresh caught sashimi on a fishing troller

Good date: Going to a concert 

Bad date: Going to a human sacrifice

Good date: Hiking 

Bad date: Outrunning a serial killer

Good date: Kissing in the rain

Bad date: Kissing in a Tsunami

 Good date: Seeing a spy movie

Bad date: Spying on your ex 

 Good date: A walk in the park

Bad date: A walk through East Hastings

Good date: Basketball game

Bad date: Women's basketball game

Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Spot A Douchebag

There’s been a lot of talk lately about douchebags, but how do you know what to believe? We’ve spent the last 10 years researching the daily habits of douchebags and have compiled a thorough list of their most common attributes for you to print out and use as a handy reference guide. It’s very important to know how to spot a douche because they cause cancer, herpes, and swine flu. Now you won’t always be lucky enough to encounter obvious douchebags who walk up behind you and smack you in the head with an official Ed Hardy baseball bat. Sometimes they sneak up behind you like a top in a dark gay club while the music goes unce unce unce unce. But unlike with the top, the discomfort won’t last for a mere 5 minutes. No, he will latch onto you like tacky on white trash and you will be stuck with him for the rest of your natural born life. 

Warning signs:

Popped Collars
Puka shell necklaces
Wearing pajama bottoms in inappropriate situations
Wearing wife beaters as formal attire
Airbrushing abs onto a facebook profile picture
Tattoo of a chinese character
Over gelled hair
Intermittent bathing
Commonly using phrases such as “Brah,” “brotacular,” and “man cave”
Improper article use
Oompa loompa like complexion
Gold jewelry 

Now that you know how to properly identify a douche, you need to know how to get rid of them. Now, a douche cannot be killed by normal means, so your usual method of exterminating vermin probably won’t work. Luckily, we have devised some foolproof ways of ridding yourself of those pesky unwanted douchebags:

Wear a bar of soap around your neck (the scent of the soap triggers a chemical reaction in their brain which restores in them the desire to bathe and wear nice clothing)
Play classical music (this empties their mind of all their useless knowledge about rap music, and restores a love for Michael Bublé)
Tie them down and force them to listen as you read “War and Peace” (this restores their ability to use proper grammar)
Dunk them in a vat of lemon juice (this will wash off the spray tan, which is the source of their inability to dance)
Shoot them with an arrow dipped in a fine merlot (this will assure that any 50 cent beers they may have will taste like vomit)

Now, it’s important to remain vigilant. Never let your guard down (or your sense of taste, lest you become a douche as well). And for those especially tricky douchebags, email us at flannelandglitter@hotmail.com and we will send you our patented “Douche-be-gone.” Guaranteed to work or your money back.